August 26, 2009


Originally uploaded by lisascho

I call this "another late night," because this is the 3rd night I've stayed more than a few hours late. I'm not complaining. The work is interesting and I like it. It's just frustrating because I have so much going on outside the office...

Anyway... I like the reflections and how your eye shifts focus between what's a reflection and what isn't. It's the view outside and looking in from the window at my desk. And there's me with my little green camera.

I was hoping to get some good night photos with my SLR in the neighborhood before we move, but I don't know if that will happen. This place has been my home for 3 years and I love it so much... It's so dynamic at night, especially game nights! I think the pictures would be great. I just don't have the time to invest. Just like me to leave everything to the last second...

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