August 23, 2009

Hurricane Beach Day

Originally uploaded by lisascho

Today I went to the beach with some friends. Hurricane Bill is just off the coast so the weather was nice enough for a few hours in the sun, but the waves were like nothing I have ever seen in Massachusetts. I wanted to post a picture of the waves, but this one was more interesting than the waves. There is a lot going on in this one. There was a lot going on in all the other pictures and this one seemed the best quality and most interesting. I think I'm just overwhelmed by the camera... I can't seem to focus. I could say that subconsciously the hurricane of things happening in this picture is a metaphor for the hurricane that was causing the insane riptide and waves... haha, or maybe not.

This reminds me of when I studied abroad Italy and our professor sent us out with 8 or 10 rolls to shoot just to get a feel for our aesthetic and to see how we see... all my frames were just filled with stuff and people and things... the shots were overwhelmed. I haven't really touched a camera with the intention of working on my photography since I got back from Italy really and that was 4 years ago. I sort of lost my voice, or my eye, or whatever you want to call it. I need to refocus myself and the lense and what I am trying to capture. I think getting out with my SLR soon will help. Point-and-shoot digital cameras are great, but I never think about what I am shooting. My memory card can hold 1500 frames at 5MP per picture. My shots are more thoughtful when I only have 36 exposures per roll and only 4 rolls... I need to force myself to think more about what I am shooting.

You'll have to excuse the quality of these images for a bit. As I just said I'm trying to focus and my compositional skills so for now the quality will suffer just a bit. Once I feel more confident in the aforementioned I'll get into the quality...

Also, please bear with me while I figure out the layout of this blog and the best ways to get the photos to work... I think I've got a good format figured out for the time being.

Till Tomorrow -

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