January 12, 2012

Ch-ch-ch-chaaaages (Turn and Face the Strain)

What a great song by David Bowie, who, by the way, just turned 65. I bet he knows a thing or two about change.

I am about 2 days shy of it being a full year since my last post, and my, how things have changed. Two and half years ago when I started this blog, I was struggling to be creative so I started a Photo A Day Blog. Confining my posts to photography helped to get me started, but it hindered my progress and growth.  What I discovered is that I need a place to document and nurture my whole creative self...

Like most people I thought "I'll start a new blog! I'm going in a new direction and I want a fresh start." But life is a process, adventure, journey, etc. ... and it's always in flux.  Everything waxes and wanes, the moon, the ocean, seasons, happiness, sadness, relationships, hairlines, waistlines...  As a creative person I must learn that I have to fail to succeed, because learning from failure is sometimes the most meaningful.  Thus, I will be keeping the 'fotos in flux' part of this blog even though it wasn't even close to my best work.

SO! Today, January 12, 2012 is the first day of the rest of my creative life... And I'm bringing this blog and all it's failed glory with me!!!

As a programming note, the blog name has changed, but the URL address is still the same.  I now plan to post recipes, crafts, DIY ideas, and whatever other thoughts fall out of my erraticwannabecreative brain. It will basically be like my pinterest, but with more words. YOU ARE EXCITED, DON'T LIE!!!

I expect a lot of crap and a lot of failed attempts at things that I think are totally great.  I am hopeful that for every 50 craptastic blogs, I will be able to produce 1 thing that will potentially inspire something in someone somewhere.

And speaking of inspiration... I am signing off with two thoughts:

1 - I saw this picture on someone's facebook, and did a little right click, save so I cannot give credit to it's creator, but it's exactly the message I am trying to convey above.

2 - My Brother, also a creative person, works at Weiden + Kennedy and recently told me about one of the mantras that floats around their company

 "Fail Harder" 

I couldn't put it better if I tried. Mostly because I haven't failed hard enough or long enough yet...

So let's get started!!

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